
Discussion Lucie Rocher

4 p.m.

7 September 2024


Discussion with artist Lucie Rocher at the opening of her exhibition En places et lieux presented at DRAC and the exhibition Mise en pièces presented at the Bibliothèque publique de Drummondville. The artist will talk about her art process and practice, as well as her most recent projects.

Exceptionally, the event will take place at the Bibliothèque publique de Drummondville. Advance registration is not required.

This project is a collaboration with the Bibliothèque publique de Drummondville and was made possible with the support of the Entente de développement culturel de la Ville de Drummondville.

Discussions series

DRAC presents a series of intimate discussions with the centre’s artists, curators, and collaborators. Lasting one hour, these discussions are intended for art lovers of all ages.

Access to the discussions is free, but registration is required for some.