
Support us

Why support DRAC?

DRAC is driven by a passionate team that takes the centre’s work as a cultural presenter to heart, encouraging openness to the visual arts one exhibition, one performance, one project, and one cultural mediation at a time.

Thanks to you, we can always do more!

Your support enables DRAC to:

• Make contemporary art accessible in our region;
• Offer a rich and low-cost cultural mediation program aimed at a wide range of audiences
• Maintain free access to our exhibitions, performances, and artist-in-residence workshops
• Present cutting-edge artistic projects that are part of a museum circuit in Quebec and Canada


Become a Club DRAC member for only $20!

Show your support for our centre and enjoy the following benefits:

• VIP previews (from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.)
• Early registration for some of our activities
• Exclusive annual creative workshop evening